The Collector
By Danielle Brownsberger
Magda commands an exceptional gravitational pull. Compelled toward her plump white form, strange satellites orbit around her. She has amassed minor objects, rounding up bits of string, safety pins, paper clips, coins, calculators, puzzle pieces and keys, endlessly. Stockpiles of toiletries, toilet paper, and tins of fruit are stcked against disaster. Over the years, Magda has assembled a more costly cache of acquisitions. Titles and deeds, burial plots, times shares, and three blue jean boyfriends have come to compliment her bizarre menagerie. She rotates around endless rows of shelves and lifts her eyebrows at forgotten baubles.
By Danielle Brownsberger
Magda commands an exceptional gravitational pull. Compelled toward her plump white form, strange satellites orbit around her. She has amassed minor objects, rounding up bits of string, safety pins, paper clips, coins, calculators, puzzle pieces and keys, endlessly. Stockpiles of toiletries, toilet paper, and tins of fruit are stcked against disaster. Over the years, Magda has assembled a more costly cache of acquisitions. Titles and deeds, burial plots, times shares, and three blue jean boyfriends have come to compliment her bizarre menagerie. She rotates around endless rows of shelves and lifts her eyebrows at forgotten baubles.